
Merit BadgeCMU uses a special media system to help share student accomplishments through social media and hometown news releases. Merit allows students to create an online profile to showcase their achievements throughout their college career. Students can gain achievement badges for things like being on the Dean's List, being a member of recognized campus organizations, being a student leader, and more.

Check out CMU's Merit page

How does Merit work?

The Marketing Communications department is notified of a student's achievement, writes a short story, and awards a badge to that student for their achievement. In many cases, the information is also shared with the student's hometown newspaper. When a badge is granted, the student receives an email from Merit.

Why is it important for students?

Online reputations matter, and student Merit pages create a positive, institution-verified online identity. This helps future employers discover great things about individual CMU students. Merit also gives students an easy way to share their accomplishments with family and friends through email and social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or LinkedIn.

How to claim your Merit profile

  1. Visit CMU's Merit Page and type your name in the search bar.
  2. Click on your name and in the middle, under your name, click "Is this you?" If there is not an "Is this you" link, please email
  3. Enter your CMU email address and submit the form. Merit will send you a confirmation email.
  4. Claim your Merit page by signing into e-mail, Facebook or Twitter and following the prompts. You can view and claim your profile and share your achievements without using email, Facebook or Twitter; however customization options may be limited. When you claim your profile, you have several opportunities to select your own privacy settings and permissions. You may also opt out at any time.
  5. After you claim your page, you can add a photo and list other activities and work experience to your profile.


Contact the Marketing Department at, 660-248-6684, or send us a message on twitter @cmuniv.